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, by R.F. Kuang R. Kuang

PDF-Download , by R.F. Kuang R. Kuang
Wenn jemand eine Veröffentlichung in einem Heiligtum liest oder Auflistung Bereich in warten, genau das, was werden Sie sie oder ihn in Betracht ziehen? Fühlen Sie wirklich, dass sie Art von conceited Personen sind, die nicht gebundene von der Gegend um? In der Tat, Menschen, die jedoch erscheinen an jedem Ort sind sie möglicherweise nicht so lesen, könnten sie ist der Brennpunkt am Ende. Dennoch genau das, was sie genau, gelegentlich werden sicherlich nicht als gleiche vorschlagen, was wir glauben.
Die Mittel dieses Buch zu erhalten , By R.F. Kuang R. Kuang wirklich einfach ist. Sie sind möglicherweise nicht für einige Orte zu gehen und den Moment investieren , um nur anleiten zu entdecken , By R.F. Kuang R. Kuang als eine Angelegenheit der Tat könnte man nicht immer Führer erhalten , wie Sie bereit sind. Doch unten, nur durch Suche und auch , By R.F. Kuang R. Kuang finden, können Sie die Listen der Führungen erhalten , die Sie tatsächlich antizipieren. In einigen Fällen gibt es viele Publikationen , die zeigen , sind. Diese Bücher werden natürlich überraschen Sie sicher , da diese , By R.F. Kuang R. Kuang Compilation.
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 2301 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 672 Seiten
Verlag: Harper Voyager (6. August 2019)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#523.985 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
Based on other reviews, I was waiting for the ending to wow me. It didn't. Maybe I've read too many high fantasies that over-rely on plot twists because I saw the ending coming a mile away. The character development was also extremely flat with no reader sympathy for the MC. Why do we care if she achieves her one goal? Like the first book, this one struggled with tone. The characters don't act, talk, or think like soldiers and increasing their ages in this book may have helped. What the author does do extremely well is world-building with historical influences. I'll read the third one, but I may not preorder it.
This is a solid sequel to the first book. That being said, throughout this book, Rin is still struggling to get her act together. Through the first one, she was grappling with her sudden abilities and survival, and in this one she's struggling with her addiction, living up to a certain legacy, and still trying to get a grip on her powers, at least until about 3/4 of the way through, and that's when the potential that she's symbolized throughout the books - being an intelligent, trained solider of the most prestigious military academy in the Empire - begins to shine. She starts coming into her own. She starts acting like the commander of the Cike. She still has baggage, but it doesn't control her. She's taking advantage of her allies, and beginning to understand the power she wields. That's why it is sooooo disappointing that the ending plays out the way it does. The writing and the direction is not disappointing, just to make that clear, it's just that Rin wasn't fast enough to act before her enemies do. And it kind of broke my heart that a certain part of that played out, because I was totally rooting for that whole thing to go down. Another thing that was enjoyable was Daji. Rin's whole reason for currently living is to take out the Empress in honor of Altan, but Daji is cunning and she's been playing this game for a long time. Just when you think she's out of cards, boom! she hits you will a falling mast. Anyway, if you liked the first Poppy War book, you will like The Dragon Republic, too. I can't wait to read the next one.
I’ve been looking forward to reviewing this book for months! This is certainly one of those sequels for which a reader waits impatiently as soon as news of its release comes out. I have been looking forward to reading the next book by R. F. Kuang since I rushed through the first Poppy War book.I still enjoy the magic and Rin’s characterization. Her newly found heritage as a Speerly has definitely shaped her approach to the book’s events. In this book, she seems much more comfortable with her abilities and status as a shaman warrior in the Cike. There is a fair balance of political posturing and violent confrontations. The Dragon Republic takes the reader in a new direction as Rin and her “allies†work towards defeating the Empress and the Northern Warlords. The presence of the Hesperians certainly did not help matters, especially with their believed superiority over the Nikarans and their view of the Cike as damned souls to be saved.All in all, this sequel was definitely worth the wait.I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I don’t think this book is quite as good as the first one. That would have been a very high bar to reach. Still this was an excellent book! It seemed somewhat disjointed in beginning as Rin struggled with her opium addiction. I think that was appropriate. The book kept me up late turning pages at a rapid pace. Now that I’ve finished it I will be waiting impatiently for the next book in the series!
I liked the first book. I’m half way through this one and have been skimming — will skip to the end. This one drags on and on, with very little movement or character development. The war is vicious and everyone is engaged in killing or intimidating civilians. Rin loses her access to her power and we wait and wait...for something, ANYTHING to happen, other than repeated battles in which the vanquished are subjected to violence. All sides are vicious, including Rin. Skip it.
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