Download Ebook Gurkha: Better to Die than Live a Coward: My Life in the Gurkhas
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Gurkha: Better to Die than Live a Coward: My Life in the Gurkhas

Download Ebook Gurkha: Better to Die than Live a Coward: My Life in the Gurkhas
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verschiedene Sicht. Ja, diese Veröffentlichung wird über einen brandneuen Punkt, der sicherlich nicht nur inspirieren, sondern zusätzlich steigert Lektion und Erfahrung. , Wird dieses Gerät Gurkha: Better To Die Than Live A Coward: My Life In The Gurkhas, auch als Soft-Datei wird bestätigen, dass Sie eines der weltweit Hunderte Besucher Joint sein müssen. Ja, du bist ein Teil der großen Individuen, die diese Publikation mögen.
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I was completely bowled over by Kailash's book and read it with a beating heart and dry mouth. I felt as though I was at his side, hearing the shells and bullets, enjoying the jokes and listening in the scary dead of night. The skill with which he has included his childhood and training is immense, always discovered with ease in the narrative: it actually felt as though I was watching, was IN a film with him. It brought me nearer than I have ever been not only to the mind of the universal soldier but to a hill boy of Nepal and a hugely impressive Gurkha. I raced through it and couldn't put it down: it reads like a thriller. If you want to know anything about the Gurkhas, read this book, and be prepared for a thrilling and dangerous trip (Joanna Lumley)
In Gurkha we hear, for the first time in two hundred years of service to the British crown, the authentic voice of a Gurkha soldier. Never before has a serving Gurkha written an account of his own life.
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Gebundene Ausgabe: 352 Seiten
Verlag: Little, Brown (21. Mai 2015)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1408705354
ISBN-13: 978-1408705353
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
16,5 x 3,2 x 24,1 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
2 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 573.856 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
An inspiring autobiography that goes some way towards explaining why our truest friends the Gurkhas serve the British Crown. No overdone action scenes, if you want them read something else! This book is clear and factual but filled with insights into this Gurkha's thoughts, emotions and "driving forces". A definite for re-reading...
Great tale of brave men. I can relate to his story and must express my gratitude for their service - brothers in arms
First let me say that i enjoy most books about special forces units. It's a subject I like and find very interesting. I assumed that a book about Gurkhas would contain all the interesting things about other special forces units with the added attraction of Gurkha history and lore. The book does contain some stories and history of the Gurkhas, and those few sections are very interesting. But most of this book is written poorly and in a style that is painful to try to slog through. The author's main style is to have a lower ranked friend ask the main character a series of contrived questions to lead him through the telling of a particular story. The questions are phony, the dialogue absurd, the style transparent and clumsy. It's clear the author made up these exchanges as a device to provide a reason to convey information, and it's a terrible way to write a book. The information in the book is actually pretty interesting, if only the author had found a better way to convey it.
This book is written in a very simple style but maintains a lot of pace and you can't help but feel like you're in Now Zad with the Gurkhas. I've read it three times now and have enjoyed it more each time.If you have any interest in the people who are the Gurkhas it is an essential read.
As an ex Australian soldier and a combat veteran, I was able to follow along easily with his telling of combat and it was very realistic. I thought it was a good read, although it had a fair bit of army jargon in it which I personally loved, I worried at times that it may leave the average person reading it a little left behind as it may have been hard to understand.
I am glad that I read this book. It is not a detailed history of the Gurkha but rather is one Gurkha soldiers experience in Afghanistan war. What made this book so interesting to me is the way that the author weaves in stories of his home in the mountains of Nepal along with a sprinkling of Gurkha history so that the reader gets the full picture. I can not imagine a better way to tell his tale than the way it was done. I almo0st feel that if I would meet him on the street I would somehow know him.
Great read"If a man says he is not afraid of dying he is either lying or a Ghurka". 7th Ghurka rifles. Falklands 1982
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